Sunday, December 13 ~ 10 am - 4 pm


December 14 to 21 ~ 7 to 9 pm

These surely are turbulent times as we transition through 2020 (Vision) into the Age of Aquarius! It feels like the transition phase of childbirth, undergoing relentless contractions, forcing us to breathe deeply and focus inward. AND - these are also auspicious times with mind-blowing synchronicities, epiphanies, and experiences of expanded awareness with a heightened ability to be present. 

You’re invited to spend an entire day of nourishment and inspiration for the soul on December 13th, bringing your own energy, and with eight (8) powerful teachers/healers who are rising to the call to serve as spiritual midwives, to inspire and uplift us, sharing healing arts, wisdom, ritual, meditation, movement, poetry, astrology, and soul music.

The intention of this event is to ground the Divine Feminine energies individually and collectively the day before the Solar Eclipse, super-charging the conscious choosing of love and harmony over fear, invoking higher states of consciousness and Unity Consciousness into being! 

The vision/mission is to mitigate the negative reaction (fear/contraction) and transform this energy with radical acceptance, forgiveness, and conscious awakening (love/expansion)! This event has great potency and potential, it is up to us to co-create this wave of divine energies and do what we have come here to do! Your presence is essential!

If you would like to participate as a spiritual midwife presenter, our December 13 launch day is full but we will keep the waters flowing all week with presentations from 7 to 9 pm every evening until the solstice! If you are inspired to present, please email innerfaiththerapy@gmail.com, call 413-522-4220, or fill out the form below.

~ Thank you, may Peace BE with you, Faith

Rising to the Call continues 7 to 9 pm every night until the Solstice!

Inspired to be a Presenter?

We have half hour windows between 7pm and 9pm every night until the Solstice.

Let us know what you’ll be offering and the date that you are available!